April Devotions

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1 - Not a Nobody with God

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 29:11, John 3:16-17

The vast majority of those in prison were abused as children and told how stupid they were. One of the major problems we all face is low self-esteem. We often feel like we are unimportant nobodies, total failures, unable to measure up.

But you are somebody to God. Somebody He created just right. Somebody He loves and cares for. Somebody He sent Jesus to die for. Somebody He has plans and high hopes for. If He esteems you so highly, shouldn't you value yourself as well?

Moment of Meditation: The cost of the cross = your value to God.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, help me see the value of your estimate of my worth in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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2 - Exceptional Expectatons

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 7:4; 2 Thessalonians 3:4; Hebrews 10:32-36

In a school experiment, students selected for an exceptional class were given to a teacher expecting slow learners. And the slow learners were given to the gifted teacher, all unknown to either students or teachers.

Surprisingly, the slow learns lived up to their teacher's expectations that they were bright. And the bright students did not achieve much, as was expected of slow students.

Those around us are often no better than we expect them to be. Expect the best.

Moment of Meditation: Expect the exceptional in Jesus.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, help me to expect great things from You in me. Amen.

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3 - Performance Problems

Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:4-7; Romans 11:6.

In our attempts to be "good Christians", we often worry about our performance. Am I living right, going to church enough, giving enough? We get hung up on performing good works.

We need to remember that our salvation depends, not on what we've done, but what God has done for us. Jesus paid the penalty for our sins. We cannot earn salvation, no matter how hard we try. Salvation is a free gift. Receive it freely, today.

Moment of Meditation: Gifts cannot be earned.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord Jesus, help me rejoice in the free gift of your salvation and not get hung up on my performance. AMEN.

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4 - Calling All Saints!

Bible Reading: Ephesians 1:1, 15-19; 2 Corinthians 1:1; Psalm 17:8.

The Bible calls all believers "saints". This doesn't mean that we are perfect or can walk on water. It does mean that God has chosen us and separated us from the world for Himself.

Sainthood is not based on what we have done, but on what God did for us. B.E. Underwood says: "It's not what you are, it's Whose you are." We are God's prized possession, the "apple of His eye". My friend, if you are God's child, you are one of His chosen ones, a saint.

Moment of Meditation: God sets apart the saints.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, help me remember Whose I am, one set apart for you. Amen.

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5 - Let the Guilt Go

Bible Reading: Romans 8:1-2; Hebrews 10:21-22

Guilt is a painful emotion. We often feel shame and remorse for the bad things we've done. Guilt was designed to bring us to repentance before God. Once we've confessed our sins and obtained forgiveness from God, we need to let the guilt go.

Holding on to guilt for sins that have been forgiven brings us under bondage to fear and condemnation, and leads to depression. Through Jesus, we are no longer under condemnation, we are free. Let the guilt go.

Moment of Meditation: Guilt retained brings condemnation; guilt forgiven sets free.

A Talk with Jesus: Dear Father, I confess to you my sins. Help me forgive myself and let the guilt go. Amen.

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6 - Adopted Forever!

Bible Reading: Ephesians 1:5; Galatians 4:4-7

In Roman times, if a man could not pay his debts, he and his family could be sold into slavery. A rich, but childless man, could adopt one of the poor man's sons, and set that son free from slavery. Then the adopted son became heir of the rich man and could never be held accountable for the debts of his former family.

When God saves us, He also adopts us as sons, making us joint heirs with Christ and totally and absolutely free from any debts arising from our former association with the devil's family.

Moment of Meditation: All debts owed the devil were stamped PAID by the cross.

A Talk with Jesus: Father, I appreciate and celebrate my adoption into Your family through Christ. Amen.

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7 - Fit Temples

Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:21-22; I Corinthians 6:19-20

There is a tremendous interest today in health and body building. Everyone, it seems, is seeking the Perfect Body. Millions of dollars are spent on aerobics classes, thousands of hours spent pumping iron, and hundreds jog daily in parks.

Did you know that the Bible says that our bodies are the temples of God? God wants to make His dwelling within us. What a motivation to keep healthy and in shape - physically and spiritually!

Moment of Meditation: How clean is my temple?

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, keep my spirit healthy. Amen.

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8 - Suffering's Schoolwork

Bible Reading: Ephesians 3:13; Romans 5:3-5; I Peter 4:12-13

No normal person likes to suffer, and we all try to avoid pain if possible. However we try to avoid them, trials and tribulations come to us all.

Suffering for the Christian has a purpose: to bring us closer to God, to make us trust in Him more, to make us more like Jesus, and to make us strong. The lessons that suffering teaches us makes it valuable to us. In the midst of our pain, we need to focus on what we gain.

Moment of Meditation: Suffering either makes us or breaks us.

A Talk with Jesus: Father, I rejoice that I am counted worthy to suffer for Your Name! Amen.

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9 - Our Adopted Daddy

Bible Reading: Romans 8:14-23

God not only saves those who trust in the cross of Christ, he adopts them as sons. This spirit of sonship frees us from slavery to fear, especially the dread of God. For He is no longer a fearsome judge, but now He is our "Abba" an aramaic word that means "Daddy".

And just as a new father cuddles his tiny child, cherishes, and cares for him, our Daddy God cuddles, cherishes and cares for us.

Moment of Meditation: God signed our adoption papers with the cross.

A Talk with Jesus: Daddy God, let me snuggle close to your loving heart. Amen.

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10 - Slaves to Christ

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:6; Romans 6:16 -22

Slavery is outlawed in America and not too many people can afford hired servants nowadays, so the concept of servanthood to God is foreign to most of us.

Historically, a slave was totally under submission to his master. He always did what the Master said to do. Likewise, if we are to be love slaves of Jesus Christ, we must submit to His Laws and do what He says. He truly knows what is best for us, His servants.

Moment of Meditation: Slavery to Christ is freedom from sin.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, I commit my heart fully to serve you. Amen.

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11 - Attending Church

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 14:26; Colossians 3:15-16, 4:11-15.

Attending church in itself will not save you. You must have a sincere heart-belief in Jesus Christ, and walk with Him daily. What benefit, then, is there in going to church services?

First of all, man did not create the Church - God did. And He never does anything without a purpose. He knew that we would need a source of inspiration, help, comfort and teaching. He also knew that we would need to fellowship with other believers, and that they would need to fellowship with us. The Church is His gift to us for that purpose. But it is up to us to receive His gift and benefit from it.

Moment of Meditation: Church = comfort, care, contemplation, certainty, commitment

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, I appreciate what the Church means for me and the sacrifice you gave to bring it into existance. Amen.

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12 - All Hail the King!

Bible Reading: Luke 23:33-24:8

All Hail the King!

On the cross, love outpouring,

God's own Son and heart's adoring,

Sin's nature on Him taking,

Suffered pain of hell's own making.

  Rough splinters pierced His flesh.

Cramped muscles screamed for rest.

The penitent thief He blessed.

    On the Cross the Light of Glory died.
But He hell's chains could not hold,

Death's first fruit burst forth as gold,

He'd paid redemption's price with pain untold,

And bought us from the devil's fold.

  Triumphant captives free he led.

Hades gave up holy dead;.

Sheol's sting now holds no dread.

    From the grave, Christ Jesus arose!
Then to Heaven, He ascended,

At God's right hand, 'til time is ended,

To cure the hurts that harm did,

Our injuries will all be mended.

  With trumpet sound, He comes!

To bring us to His Father's home.

To heal our hurts and still our moans.

    All praise, all hail the King!
    - ©1993, 1998 Karleen E. Wickham Page

Moment of Meditation: Christ the Lord is risen today! Hallelujah!

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, I praise and glorify your name for suffering to bring me salvation. Amen.

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13 - A Delighted Giver

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:7; Matthew 5:44-45; Matthew 6:8; 7:9-10

Are you a reluctant giver? Do you hesitate when your children ask for something? Or, even worse, do you give them what they want, but along with it deliver a lecture about having to walk 25 miles uphill to school in 3 feet of snow both ways?

God is not like that. He delights in giving. He even showers the rain on the sinful as well as the saint. His Word says that He already knows what we need, and that He gives to His children before they are even finished asking! And He is able to do abundantly above anything we can think or ask.

Moment of Meditation: A loving heart overflows in cheerful giving.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, fill my heart with Your loving, giving, cheerful Spirit. Amen.

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14 - Begging for Blessings

Bible Reading: Psalm 128; Philippians 4:10; James 1:5-6; 2 Peter 1:3-4

Some people believe that they have to get down on their knees and beg God for His blessings, patiently recounting to God all of the reasons why He should bless them. Often, they receive nothing.

Others joyfully believe the promises of God and wait expectantly for God to perform His Word. They know they can't earn God's favor, so they don't try. They just exercise their faith in Him.

B.E. Underwood says: "Blessings are not for beggars, they are for believers."

Moment of Meditation: Children do not have to beg their Father for bread.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, thank you for the many blessings you heap on me daily. Amen.

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15 - Giving Up!

Bible Reading: Exodus 2:15; 3:9-14; 4:1-5; 7:7

What high expectations we often set for ourselves! Often, we are unable to reach such lofty goals, and feel like failures. We want to quit on God.

Moses was called to lead Israel out of bondage to Egypt, and failed miserably on the first try. He wandered on the backside of the desert for 40 years, forgotten, he thought, by God. Yet, when he was 80 years of age, he triumphantly led Israel to freedom.

God didn't make a mistake when He chose Moses, and He didn't make a mistake when He chose YOU.

Moment of Meditation: Our mistakes are God's opportunities to perfect us.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, make me a peserverer, not a quitter. Amen.

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16 - God's Masterpiece

Bible Reading: Isaiah 29:23; 43:7; 60:21; Ephesians 2:10; 4:22-24; I Peter 3:3-4

The media continually presents its' concept of beauty, an image which is impossible to achieve for most of us. We are too old, too fat, or too "something" to qualify.

Yet we are all designed to be beautiful in the Kingdom of God, destined to become a masterpiece, lovely from the inside out. We might not look like it right now, but God is working on us. The soul submitted to the Savior is utterly elegant, and its beauty cannot help but shine through the outer form.

Moment of Meditation: The media manipulates minions; the Messiah makes masterpieces.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, make me beautiful on the inside, a work of your grace, and may that beauty spill out all over the place! Amen.

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17 - Beauty by God

Bible Reading: Ephesians 316-19, Romans 8:18;I Corinthians 2:9-10;1 John 3:2

There are many reasons why we fail to see God's beauty in each other. For one thing, we get stuck on outward appearances, and don't take the time or trouble to get to know the real person that lives inside.

For another, our standards of beauty are based on this world, instead of on the world to come. The Bible says that it is not yet apparent what we shall be, but we shall be beautiful like God.

Moment of Meditation: The world's beauty is external; internal loveliness created by God is eternal.

A Talk with Jesus: Father, help me to see YOUR beauty, the real person that lives inside, in others. Amen.

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18 - Our Occupation

Bible Reading: Luke 2:49; 19:11-26 (KJV)

Many believe that what Jesus mean when he said "occupy til I come" is "fill up space". If they occupy their accustomed place on the pew each Sunday morning, they feel they've fulfilled Christ's command completely.

But Jesus meant for us to be about the Father's business, occupying ourselves with developing our talents, winning souls and building the Kingdom. We are expected, not to just occupy a pew, but to occupy ourselves in increasing what God has given us.

Moment of Meditation: Occupation about the Father's business is our true vocation.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, I want to be about my Father's business. Amen.

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19 - God's Grudges?

Bible Reading: Leviticus 19:18; Romans 8:31-39; James 5:13

When things are going well, most of us don't want to bother God. We just go on, enjoy life, and take God for granted. But when that trial comes, that distress, that tribulation, we wonder where God went to. We cry out and blame Him for it all, no matter how much of it is our fault.

Nevertheless, He hears us, helps us ... and then we forget Him, at least until we're in trouble again.

Aren't you glad that God doesn't hold grudges?

Moment of Meditation: God doesn't hold grudges; do you?

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, Lord help me not to take you for granted, but meditate on your Word at all times. Amen.

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20 - God's Weakness

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 1:25; II Corinthians 12:9; Hebrews 11:33-34; Matthew 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 1:37; Luke 18:27

When we confront overwhelming problems, we are also faced with our inabilities and fears. And don't things usually seem to go wrong when we are already feeling weak and defeated?

Sometimes we project those feelings of weakness and defeat upon God. Since the problem is too big for us, it must be too big for Him to handle as well. But, B.E. Underwood says: "When life is at its' worst, God is at His best". No problem is too big, nothing is impossible for Him.

Moment of Meditation: Man's impossibilities yield to God's power.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, in my weakness may your strength be made perfect. Amen.

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21 - Our Helper

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:5-8; Hebrews 4:15; John 14:16-18, 26

When Jesus came to this earth, He emptied Himself of all of the powers of deity and walked in the flesh, just like you and me. He was faced with our limitations and tried by our temptations.

He had a Helper, the Holy Spirit, who guided and empowered Him. And He promised this same help for all of those who serve Him. Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen you for service today.

Moment of Meditation: Our Helper, the Holy Spirit, gives us power for service.

A Talk with Jesus: Father, fill me with the power of your Spirit that I might serve you. Amen.

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22 - Leap for Joy

Bible Reading: Isaiah 35:6; Luke 1:41,44; 6:22-23; 10:20

Young colts gallop and leap in the fields due to the sheer exuberance of living. A hound, catching the scent of prey, leaps with delight as he begins his pursuit.

The Bible tells us also to leap for joy, rejoicing that are names are written in Heaven. Have you lost your leap? The exuberant joy of new life in Christ? If so, you need to cast aside your cares and reaffirm your faith in the Lord of Life. And, leap for joy!

Moment of Meditation: Problems can't hold you down if you're leaping!

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, restore to me the joy of my salvation that I may jump for joy! Amen.

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23 - Celebrate!

Bible Reading: Psalm 145:1-7; Luke 22:11-24

To enter many churches is like stepping into a funeral parlor rather than into a celebration of Christ. No earthly event did as much for humankind as the sacrifice of our Lord, but hose who claim to serve Jesus sometimes act as though He were still in the tomb.

Celebrate! Jesus has won for us eternal life and He is continually showering us with love and blessings. Celebrate! The devil is defeated, and this trial, this pain will soon cease. Celebrate!

Moment of Meditation: Celebrate victory - dance over the devil's defeat!

A Talk with Jesus: Father, I celebrate the empy tomb! Amen.

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24 - Deliverance!

Bible Reading: Isaiah 35:3-4; I John 4:16-18; Romans 8:15, 21

Are you bound by worry and fear? Has depression clouded your horizon? Are you chained by alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs? do you have hindering habits that feed your guilt complex?

There is deliverance from every bondage in Jesus Christ. He did not give His life to condemn you and push you under, but to deliver you from every chain that binds you into the glorious liberty of the sons of God.

Moment of Meditation: Christ's command crushes completely crazed chain's captivity.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, set me free from all the chains that bind me, into your glorious and releasing liberty. Amen.

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25 - A Museum for Saints

Bible Reading: Mark 6:34-37; I Timothy 1:15-16; Hebrews 13:20-21

Is the Church you attend a museum for saints? You know, the mummified remains that exuded faith, hope and love 45 years ago? Do you look back to the good ol' days when grandpa shouted the victory of God?

Jesus never intended for His Church to be a museum for saints. Instead, it is to be a hospital for sinners, bad, disreputable, mean sinners. If your church has no life, maybe it's because you've forgotten your purpose - to bring the lost lambs back to their Shepherd - Jesus Christ.

Moment of Meditation: Living saints seek to bring sinners to salvation.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, give me a shepherd's compassion for lost lambs. Amen.

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26 - God is Always Ready!

Bible Reading: I Thessalonians 3:2-4, 12-13; James 1:2-5

The pressures that bake us in the heat of life often blind us to the presence of God. Because this trial has caught you unprepared, you may feel that God isn't ready for it either.

God is neither surprised nor perturbed at the trials that beset us. He knew they were coming, and he allowed them to come upon us to make us more like Him. And He has the solution ready for us, when we finally LOOK UP.

Moment of Meditation: Trials try to make us more like God.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, let me look to you in this trial and learn the faith lesson it brings. Amen.

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27 - Treasure Chests

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Timothy 4:12; 2 Timothy 2:20-21

If you had a lock box full of gold, you would guard it carefully. You wouldn't care if the box was dented, scratched or banged up, you would treasure it because of its' precious contents.

God sends us His treasures via messengers of flesh. He has chosen His ministers to bring us His riches. Yet we often reject God's gifts to us because we don't like the package that they come in, the fleshly vessels that carry God's gifts to us. Forget the box, receive the treasure!

Moment of Meditation: In Bible days, people kept treasure in plain clay jars to fool thieves. A glitzy box may hold nothing of value.

A Talk with Jesus: Father, I accept your treasures and gifts no matter what the delivery service may be! Amen.

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28 - Cracked Pots

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:7; Matthew 7:1-9; Luke 6:45

Once upon a time there was a man who was an expert in clay pots. One day a lady brought him a pot to appraise that was full of jewels.

"It'd get rid of it," he said, "It's cracked."

"But," she said, "It's full of jewels!"

"I don't know about jewels, lady, but I do know pots. This one's worthless. Throw it away!"

"What about the jewels?" she asked.

"Well, judging by the pot, I'd say the jewels are worthless, too. I'd dump them both."

So the lady threw out the cracked pot full of jewels.

A silly story? Not when we refuse God's treasures because we don't like the look of the messenger who brings it to us!

Moment of Meditation: The outside hides treasure inside.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, thank you for caring enough to send messengers of your grace to increase my wisdom. Amen

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29 - The Gift of Gossip

Bible Reading: Proverbs 11:13; 16:28, 20:19, 26:20; 2 Corinthians 12:20; Galatians 5:19-21; James 3:5-10; 3 John 9-11

The gifts that God gives us include many abilities, including teaching, preaching, faith, mercy and acts of kindness. But not all "gifts" that people receive come from God.

The "gift of gossip" is one such example. Meddling in other people's business with the intention, not of helping them, but of maliciously passing the information on to someone else, is a present straight from hell that the Church can do without.

Moment of Meditation: Gossip gives birth to grief.

A Talk with Jesus: Father God, help me control my tongue and don't get into situations where I am neither part of the problem, nor part of the solution. Amen.

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30 - We're at War!

Bible Reading: Ephesians 6:10; Romans 8:37; 2 Corinthians 2:14.

It comes as no surprise to the Christian that we are at war. We have an enemy that prowls about like a lion seeking to destroy everyone he can.

However, God has provided us with holy armor to protect us and has given us His Word to use as a defensive weapon. And if that weren't enough, the Bible also promises us that we are more than conquerors through Him, because He always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus.

Moment of Meditation: God didn't start the war, but provides us with awesome weapons.

A Talk with Jesus: God, prepare me for battle! Amen.

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