May Devotions

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1 - Creating Controversy

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 1:3-7

Some people enjoy stirring up trouble. Nothing makes them happier than spreading confusion and creating controversy. And there always seem to be other people ready and willing to listen to these myths and theories.

But the Bible says that this does not promote the Word of God - which is based on faith in Him. Love, from a pure heart, does not promote controversy and dissension, but promotes unity obedience and peace.

Moment of Meditation: Commitment to Christ creates compatibility, not controversy.

A Talk with Jesus: Blessed Father, open our minds to Your Word, not the words of those who try to corrupt the truth. Amen.

For Further Study: Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Timothy 4:7; 6:3-5; 2 Timothy 2:14; 4:4; Titus 1:13-14; 3:9.

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2 - Flee Lust

Bible Reading: Genesis 39:6-21; 2 Timothy 2:22

When Potiphar's wife tried to seduce young, handsome Joseph, he ran from her. She grabbed for him and was left holding his garment. Raising a hue and cry, she had him imprisoned for attempted rape. Later, of course, God elevated Joseph to be Prime Minister of Egypt.

The Bible warns us to flee lustful desires, as Joseph did. If we do not, we will end up in the prison of sensuality, a bondage almost impossible to escape. And God will not prosper us there.

Moment of Meditation: Dangerous desires will drag you into the devil's dungeon.

A Talk with Jesus: Heavenly Father, forgive us for following our desires of the flesh. Free us from sexually immoral thoughts. Give us the courage to flee if need be. Amen.

For Further Study: I Corinthians 6:9-11, 18-20; I Thessalonians 4:3-6.

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3 - Quarreling About Words

Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 2:14-19,22-26.

There are some who consider themselves Christians that spend a lot of time quarreling about traditions, doctrines and forms of worship. They can give you 25 reasons why they and they alone, are right.

Quarreling about words will never get you anywhere. The Bible says it's of no value and only ruins those who listen. It destroys the faith of others and causes them to wander away from the truth. Rather, those who believe in Jesus are told to pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace.

Moment of Meditation: Quarrels do not promote faith, but destroy it.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, keep my lips from quarreling, and my heart free from lies. Amen.

For Further Study: 1 Timothy 1:3-4,20; 3:2-3,7; 6:3-5,20-21; Titus 3:9.

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4 - The Care of God

Bible Reading: Psalms 121:1-8; Matthew 10:30; Luke 12:7; I Peter 5:7

Do you ever feel like no one really cares about you? That if you disappeared off of the face of the earth tomorrow, no one would even notice? That God Himself is too busy to be bothered with you?

Do you know that the Bible says that God knows the very number of hairs on your head? He is concerned enough about you to keep count every time you lose a hair or a new one grows. If He pays close attention to such an insignificant fact about you, don't you think He can also be trusted to take care of those big things that trouble your heart?

Moment of Meditation: From the hairs of your head to your greatest trouble, God cares for YOU.

A Talk with Jesus: Thank You Lord for loving us so much! Because of Your love, You take care of us in all of our troubles. Amen.

For Further Study: John 10:11-15; Hebrews 2:6-8, 13:5

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5 - Lovers of Money

Bible Reading: Psalm 49:5-6; 1 Timothy 6:8-10; 2 Timothy 3:2-5

The world is full of lovers of money. There are people out there who literally would sell their child to get money. They are swelled with pride because of their bank accounts and boast about their wealth.

But the Bible tells us that the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Why? Because people who want to get rich fall into temptations and traps that plunge them into ruin and destruction, piercing them through with many griefs. It is far better to let our hearts rest content in God.

Moment of Meditation: Money's love comes not from above.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, forgive me for my desire for wealth, help me be content with such things as I have, and help me to be a good steward of them. Amen

For Further Study: Matthew 6:24-34; 19:16-24

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6 - Trusting in Riches

Bible Reading: Proverbs 11:28; Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Timothy 6:17

Everyone envies a millionaire. Wouldn't it be great to be able to pay your bills on time? To have enough money to buy that new car, or take a trip to Tahiti, or buy the latest and greatest in computer equipment?

Yes, we would really feel secure if we were wealthy. Why then does the Bible advise not to trust in uncertain riches? From God's standpoint, wealth is unreliable; it could all be gone tomorrow. Banks could fail; you could be sued. Put your hope in God, who never changes. Treasure in heaven is true wealth.

Moment of Meditation: Real security does not rest in earthly wealth.

A Talk with Jesus: Blessed Father, give us the wisdom to use what we have as You see fit, to lay up treasure in Heaven. Amen.

For Further Study: Proverbs 22:1; Luke 12:13-21

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7 - Sacrifice to False Gods

Bible Reading: Leviticus 20:1-6; 1 Corinthians 10:6-14; 1 Peter 4:1-5

We read in ancient history about people who actually sacrificed their sons and daughters to idols. We shudder, and cannot comprehend how a parent could do such a thing.

However, in a spiritual sense, the same thing goes on today. There are parents on every hand who are training their children to spend their lives living for imitation ideals, false hopes, perverse aspirations. They are sacrificing their children for social status, material gain, and the approval of man. Parents, teach your children to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Don't sacrifice them to today's idols.

Moment of Meditation: You don't have to bow down to a statue to be an idolater.

A Talk with Jesus: Dear Father, forgive me for placing today's false gods before You. Thank you for Jesus' death on the cross and our salvation. Amen.

For Further Study: 1 Samuel 15:22-26; Ezekiel 14:1-14; Colossians 3:5-10

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8 - Listen and Do

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 33:30-32, James 1:22-25.

It's a lot easier to listen to the words of God than to put them into practice. It's nice to talk about forgiving people, but when someone insults you, do you sweetly forgive them, or insult them back? Gossiping surely is a sin, but did you hear about what Linda and Jerry did last week on the boat while Sue was asleep? Well, yeah, coveting is wrong, but I sure would like to own a Beamer or a Porsche.

Listening to God's Word is not free entertainment, to be forgotten like a love song heard over the radio. If we listen, but do not practice it, we are deceiving ourselves. We must listen and do.

Moment of Meditation: If we hear with our hearts, we will do with our hands.

A Talk with Jesus: Precious Father in Heaven, thank you for Your Holy Word, our Bible. Help us to do You have told us to do. Amen.

For Further Study: Matthew 7:21-27; James 2:14-26

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9 - A Short Fuse

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:26, 31-32; James 1:19-21

Do you know anyone with a "short fuse"? You know, the person that "flies off the handle" at the slightest provocation? They excuse themselves by saying, "I have a temper", and then rant and rave as if they have a right to do so.

Tempers were made to be controlled. The Bible says "be slow to anger". You do not have to react in rage when someone offends you. Man's anger does not produce the kind of right living that God desires. Ask God to control your anger. A good splash of His love will cool you off fast!

Moment of Meditation: Allow God to "de-fuse" you.

A Talk with Jesus: Dear Jesus, forgive me for giving into anger. Grow the fruit of self-control in me by your spirit to control my temper. Amen.

For Further Study: Psalm 4:4; Proverbs 22:24-25, 25:23-24, 29:22; Matthew 5:22; I John 3:15

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10 - Guard Your Spirit

Bible Reading: Malachi 2:13-16; 2 Timothy 1:12-14

Soap operas aren't the least bit "clean"; they are full of lying, cheating and adultery. We see beautiful women and handsome men that are well-educated and stylishly dressed break their marriage vows every afternoon, and it doesn't seem to hurt them in the least. Adultery has become respectable.

We must guard our spirits against such sin. The Lord Himself will be a witness against us if we break faith with our marriage partner. God hates divorce and adultery. Guard your spirit against such sin.

Moment of Meditation: Don't put your hopes on the dopes in the soaps.

A Talk with Jesus: Precious Father in Heaven, guide us in our daily activities that we not let false ideas create sinful actions. Amen.

For Further Study: Deuteronomy 4:15-19; Psalm 51; Romans 8:5-9

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11 - False Apostles

Bible Reading: Romans 16:18; 2 Corinthians 11:13-15; Revelation 2:2

Sex scandals in the Church are nothing new, but they receive media attention like nothing else. It is sad when someone claiming to be a minister of the Gospel of Christ falls so hard. It is injurious to the Church and destroys the faith of many.

The Bible teaches that satan has his false apostles that appear to be the real thing, and their "ministry" is to destroy the faith of whoever they can deceive by smooth talk and flattery. Not every "minister" is from God. Fill your heart with God's Word and you will not be deceived.

Moment of Meditation: A flattering tongue delivers the ministry of death.

A Talk with Jesus: Dear Blessed Jesus, give us the wisdom to recognize the false apostles, the deceitful workers, who disguise themselves as Your ministers. Amen.

For Further Study: Acts 20:30; Galatians 1:6-9, 2:4; Philippians 1:15; Titus 1:10-11; 2 Peter 2:1.


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12 - Authentic Confidence

Bible Reading: Isaiah 32:17; Hebrews 10:35-36

Pop psychology is full of advice for building self-confidence: "You're OK, I'm OK", self-actualization, all kinds of buzzwords and advice. Most of it is self-centered, and actually does more harm than good.

The prophet Isaiah said that authentic confidence comes from living the kind of life that God desires. Doing the will of God brings confidence that we will inherit all of His promises, and we will dwell in quietness and peace forever.

Moment of Meditation: Godly confidence quells self-centered conceit.

A Talk with Jesus: Our Father in heaven, provide us with the endurance of our confidence so that we can do Your will.

For Further Study: Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 4:14-16, 13:6; 2 Corinthians 3:2-6; I John 3:19-24.

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13 - The Lord's Confidant

Bible Reading: Psalm 25:12-14, Proverbs 3:32; Jeremiah 23:18

There are folk who naturally seem to invite confidences. We know they will listen to our woes and not blab our problems all over town. Perhaps you are such a person, blessed with a listening ear and a silent mouth.

Would you like for the Lord to confide His secrets to you? David tells us that the Lord will confide in the person who fears Him and follows God's instructions. Are you a friend that Jesus can confide in?

Moment of Meditation: The Lord confides in those who listen and obey.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, teach us to retain the confidences of others. Amen.

For Further Study: Job 15:8; 29:4; Jeremiah 23:18; Romans 11:34; I Corinthians 2:11-16.

14 - Shrouded in Mystery

Bible Reading: Ephesians 3:3-9; 6:19; Colossians 1:25-27; 2:2-3.

Everyone loves a good mystery, a puzzling "whodunit". To many, religion is a real mystery. Numerous would-be gurus claim that knowledge of God is shrouded in mystery and they, of course, have the solution to this mystery. For a substantial contribution, they will be delighted to share this knowledge with you.

However, the Bible advises us that Jesus has cleared up any mystery about God. God is love, and He loves you. He sent Jesus to pay the price for your salvation. How to obtain what God has given is no mystery. Simply believe Him.

Moment of Meditation: The only puzzling thing about God is why anyone doubts his love.

A Talk with Jesus: Father, thank you for your love that through the mystery of grace gave us our salvation. Amen.

For Further Study: Job 11:7; Daniel 2:27-30; 4:7-18; 1 Corinthians 13:2; Romans 11:25; 16:25-27; Colossians 4:3.

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15 - Unjust Suffering

Bible Reading: I Peter 2:20-21; 3:14

No one enjoys suffering, no one certainly seeks pain. It is a fact that our lives are often full of hardship and despair. But when we suffer unjustly, when we are insulted and abused by those we considered friends, then we feel that we cannot go on.

But Jesus is our example; we should follow "in His steps". He did not return insult for insult; or make threats when He suffered. If we endure unjust suffering because we are conscious of God, He takes note of it, and will reward us.

Moment of Meditation: Persecution received for Christ's sake without retaliation makes us more like Him.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, help me control my emotions when I am unjustly persecuted and respond with your love and wisdom. AMEN

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16 - So Thirsty …

Bible Reading: Psalm 42:1-2; John 7:37-39

Have you ever been really thirsty? Have you been hot and tired, parched and footsore, longing for a cool, cool drink? Nothing, no soft drink, even if it is "the real thing", no concoction dreamed up by man satisfies, like ice cold water.

Have you ever been that thirsty for God? Has your soul longed for Him like the deer pants for the streams of water in the cool deep woods? If the cares and woes of this life have dried you out inside, come to Jesus, the living water, and deeply drink.

Moment of Meditation: A thirsty soul needs living water.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, come into the dry, parched areas of my life and water me with your Spirit. AMEN

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17 - Defeat Depression

Bible Reading: Psalm 42:5-11; 2 Corinthians 7:6.

Depression is a common malady today. The bad news that surrounds us on TV, the radio, magazines, and in the newspapers is enough to get anyone down. But the blackness in your heart makes life seem utterly hopeless.

When your soul is downcast within you, put your hope in God. He is not limited by the opinions of economic experts and the newscasters. He is all powerful, and He cares for you. He created it all; He is in control. Put your hope in God.

Moment of Meditation: The healing of a downcast soul comes when you look up in hope to God.

A Talk with Jesus: Father God, when my soul is downcast, help me remember to put my hope in You. AMEN

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18 - Man's Rules

Bible Reading: Mark 7:1-9

A well known religious body has some 40,000 rules that a person must follow to be considered "good". Forty thousand! Who has the time to even read all of them, much less try to follow them?

The situation was similiar in Jesus' day. The Pharisees had many laws they believed that a person must follow to please God. Jesus said that their teachings were but traditions of men, not the commands of God. Are the religious rules you are trying to follow merely the rules taught by men?

Moment of Meditation: Test traditions by the Word.

A Talk with Jesus: Father God, open my eyes so that I can tell truth from tradition according to Your Word. AMEN

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19 - Con Artists

Bible Reading: Job 5:12-16; 2 Corinthians 11:3

The world is full of con men and women looking for new suckers. They employ crafty schemes to relieve their victims of hard earned cash, particularly the elderly. Why doesn't someone do something about it?

The Bible says that God "catches the wise in their craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away", "so that their hands achieve no success". The only sure way to keep from being conned is to trust in God, and Him alone.

Moment of Meditation: Without Christ's knowledge, cunning craftiness creates confusion.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, give me your discretion so I can be aware of the crafty schemes of men and be delivered from falling for them. AMEN

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20 - Deceptive Philosophies

Bible Reading: Colossians 2:4-8.

New religions are continually being birthed in America, and most of them want YOU to join up. Of course, bring along your wallet, check book, and investment certificates. They have many "fine-sounding arguments" that they employ to convince you that THEY AND THEY ALONE have all the answers. They will even employ Bible verses as proof they have the sanction of God Almighty.

But don't let them take you captive through their deceptive philosophy. Trust no man's interpretation of God's Word. Read it for yourself and let God alone lead you.

Moment of Meditation: Always ask, not what's in it for me, but what are they trying to get FROM me?

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus give us a hunger and thirst for your Word, fill us with Your wisdom, teach us to discern deception. AMEN

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21 - Obstacles to Unity

Bible Reading: Romans 16:17-19; Ephesians 4:3; 2 Corinthians 6:3-10.

Wouldn't it be nice if everyone just got along and no one caused trouble? Wouldn't it be great, especially in the church, if there were no divisions among the people? But there always seem to be those who delight in placing obstacles in the way of unity and sound teaching.

People that behave this way are not true Christians. They are serving their own self interests when they try to lead you astray with "smooth talk and flattery". Don't be deceived. Stay away from them. Set your heart on the love of the Lord.

Moment of Meditation: Unity, not division, is a sign of the Lord's love.

A Talk with Jesus: Father God, give me the foresight not to get involved in creating division and promoting rebellion, but help me keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. AMEN

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22 - Winds of Doctrine

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:11-15; 5:5-7

There are winds of doctrine that blow in the Church, this way and that, often contradictory to each other, although they all sound good. Unhappily, there are those who seek to turn the gospel of Christ to their gain, through cunning and craftiness. How can we avoid being caught up in their deceitful scheming, like "infants, tossed back and forth by the waves"?

The Apostle Paul advises us to listen to our God-given leaders who "speak the truth in love": to lovingly insist on scriptural doctrines based solely on the Word of God, and not some would-be prophet's imagined revelations.

Moment of Meditation: Rogue revelations wreck religious ruin.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, let me not be deceived by every wind of doctrine, but test all doctrine by the Word of God. AMEN

For Further Study: Jeremiah 23:25-40; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-5.

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23 - The Word's Mirror

Bible Reading: James 1:22-25; Ephesians 5:1

Did you ever look at yourself in the mirror and then walk away and forget what you saw? What if your hair needed combing and you walked away with it sticking out all over? Or what if you had dirt on your nose and forgot to wash it off?

That would be pretty silly, wouldn't it? Why bother to look in the mirror in the first place? People who listen to the Word of God and don't do what it says are just as silly. Even worse, they deceive themselves into thinking that their souls are clean, when in fact, they forgot to ask God to wash them.

Moment of Meditation: Imitate God, not the world.

A Talk with Jesus: Lord, when I look into the mirror of Your Word, change me so that my reflection looks like You, and that when I walk away, I do not forget to do Your works. AMEN

For Further Study: Jeremiah 37:9; I John 1:8; I Peter 2:1; 1 Corinthians 3:18.

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24 - Deceitful Desires

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:17-31.

The common philosophy today is not only that all desires are good, but that everyone has a constitutionally guaranteed right to pursue the fulfillment of every desire. We are taught that it is perfectly alright to seek whatever material goods we can get our hands on.

But did you know that our desires can deceive us? That fulfillment of each and every desire can corrupt and destroy us? The Bible advises us to "put off" our old selves, and to "put on" the new self that Jesus provides, which is created to be like God.

Moment of Meditation: Deceitful desires are destructive.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, daily I put off my old self with its deceitful desires and put on the new self created in Christ Jesus. AMEN

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25 - Discipline

Bible Reading: I Peter 4:1-5; Hebrews 12:5-13.

Discipline isn't easy, and it certainly isn't fun. It's much more exciting to follow the crowd and do what they do. After all, you don't want to be a "party pooper", do you? Somebody might make fun of you if you don't join in.

But, if you have given your heart to Christ, and want to please Him, you must allow Him to curb your evil desires, and discipline you. It won't be pleasant, but God loves you and wants the best for you: a harvest of righteousness and peace.

Moment of Meditation: Permissiveness is not love, just moral laziness. Discipline is not only tough love, but true love, bringing with it righteousness and peace.

A Talk with Jesus: Father, thank You that you care enough about me to discipline me to bring about a harvest of righteousness and peace in my life. AMEN

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26 - Dwelling on the Past

Bible Reading: Isaiah 43:18; Hosea 10:12; 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Did you ever meet anyone who lived in the past, who only talked about the "good old days"? Are you such a person? The Bible emphasizes that today is the day of salvation, now is the day in which God is working.

Do not dwell on past. God is "doing a new thing" in your life. If you fix your attention on the past, you will miss what God is doing now. The past is over. God's Kingdom is moving ahead. Don't be left behind!

Moment of Meditation: God is working NOW.

A Talk with Jesus: Father God, help me to forget the past and press on to the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus TODAY! AMEN

For Further Study: Psalms 95:7; Hebrews 3:7,13; 5:5.

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27 - False shepherds

Bible Reading: Ezekiel 34:1-6, 25-31; Matthew 2:6; John 10:11-16.

Not every one who claims to be a minister of the gospel is a true shepherd of Jesus. How can you tell a false shepherd? By their behavior. False shepherds care only for themselves - not caring for the needs of the flock. False shepherds do not strengthen the weak ones or seek to bring the lost back. They rule the flock harshly and brutally with guilt, condemnation, and fear. They promote rebellion and hostility, while feeding off of the flock themselves.

Jesus is the true Shepherd and His care of the flock is the measure by which all other shepherds are judged. He makes the flock dwell in safety, protecting them from the prowling demon wolves. He feeds them and sends them showers of blessings. He lays down His life for the sheep. He rules with a gentle hand and a heart of love.

Moment of Meditation: False shepherds lead the flock to ravening wolves.

A Talk with Jesus: Father, lead me to a church whose leaders are true shepherds with their hearts set on feeding and protecting the flock. AMEN

For Further Study: Ezekiel 43:7-24

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28 - True Shepherds

Bible Reading: Luke 15:3-7; John 21:15-18; I Peter 2:24-25, 5:2-4.

Flocks of sheep being carefully herded by shepherds was an everyday sight in the holy lands when Jesus walked the earth. The ones listening to Jesus were well aware of what the shepherd must do to truly care for his sheep. It meant nights of vigil on chilly hills as the lambs were being birthed. It mean leading the sheep to good pasture and to still waters. It meant anointing them with oil to heal their wounds and keep away insects. It was a 24 hour, 7 day a week task.

So when Jesus speaks of being a good shepherd, He is reminding ministers of an awesome responsibility. Being a minister is not a "career" with monetary goals. It is a lifelong calling.

Moment of Meditation: Life's greatest calling is shepherding God's flock.

A Talk with Jesus: Father God, help me to be a true shepherd to the flock you've given me, whether it be a church, a study group or my family. AMEN

For Further Study: Psalm 23

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29 - Complaining

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:14-16; I Corinthians 10:6,10-12; I Peter 4:9.

A sure sign of doubt is complaining, murmuring and griping. Because if you truly had faith, you would believe that God is in control. And if God is in control, when the circumstances in your life are lessons He is trying to teach you. Accept them with gratitude and grace.

If you decide to allow yourself the luxury of complaining, however, be aware of the examples and warnings in scripture and be careful that you don't fall. If you choose NOT to complain when things don't seem to be going your way, you will shine like the stars in the sky, a witness to the Word of life to all who come across your path.

Moment of Meditation: Doubt complains; faith gives thanks.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus help me to stop myself when I get the "grumbles" and remember to rejoice in the faith that these unpleasant circumstances are shaping me to be more like You. AMEN.

For Further Study: James 5:9; Psalm 106

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30 - Pride

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:3-4-8; II Chronicles 7:14; James 4:6, 10; Luke 14:11; 18:14

Every family has one, I guess. The relative who pridefully boasts in what he has or does. The one who thinks he is better than the rest of the lot. The one who has achieved worldly "success" and continually brags about it. The one you wish would shut up. The one you wish the Lord would "take down a notch"!

Should a Christian be filled with boasting in what he has or does? Not according to the Bible. Selfish ambition or vain conceit should never be motives for our behavior. On the contrary, we should first humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will exalt us in due time. And we should consider others better than ourselves. Impossible? Not if we allow Jesus to give us His attitude of humility.

Moment of Meditation: Pride exalts self; humility exalts God.

A Talk with Jesus: Jesus, give me your attitude of humility, and your nature of service. AMEN.

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31- God's purpose for me

Bible Reading: Psalm 138:8, Philippians 1:4-6, 9-11; I Corinthians 1:8

Many of us don't think we are important to God and don't really believe He has a purpose and a plan for our lives. But Paul in writing to the Philippians was confident not only that God has a plan for all of us, but the He has begun the work and will complete it in every believer. We need knowledge and depth of insight to understand God's purpose in our lives and to be able to cooperate with Him in achieving that purpose.

And as we allow Christ to fill us with the fruit of His righteousness, we become able to discern what is best, the best way to fulfill God's purpose, the best way to stay pure and blameless before God. Not only does God have a purpose for us, but gives us the means to fulfill that purpose, and is able to keep us strong to the end if we trust in Him.

Moment of Meditation: God's purpose for us is to produce in us the fruit of righteousness.

A Talk with Jesus: Father God, thank you that you have a purpose for ME, and give me the insight to be able to discern what is best to keep me pure and blameless before You. AMEN

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Congratulations! If you have made it this far, you have experienced a month of growth in the Lord Jesus Christ. It may have been painful at times, but your faithfulness to God's Word and discipline in daily spending time with Him has reaped rewards here and for all eternity. Keep up the good work and join us NEXT month for more devotions from God's Word. If you haven't kept up with the devotions, don't waste time feeling guilty, just resolve with God's help to make more room for Him in your life.

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