Copied from AEHF website by permission


Do cosmetics, household cleaners or other chemicals make you SNEEZE, give you a HEADACHE or a RASH?

If so, you may have chemical sensitivity.

  • What is Chemical Sensitivity?
    Chemical sensitivity is an abnormal response to chemical stimuli; such as immune responses to perfume, cigarette smoke, car exhaust, newsprint, cleaning chemicals, etc.
  • What are the symptoms?
    The symptoms of chemical sensitivity are individual in nature and include sneezing, shortness of breath, irritated eyes, running nose, muscle weakness, numbness, joint pain, headache, fatigue, depression, disorientation, heart irregularities, skin rashes, etc.
  • What can cause it?
    Chemical sensitivity can be caused by several different factors which can include:
    • - Past chemical exposures
      - Untreated food and/or inhalant sensitivities
      - Immune system dysfunction
      - Nutritional deficiency due to malabsorption or malnutrition
      - Enzyme depletion
  • How do I know if I am chemically sensitive?
    There are several indications and ways of determining chemically sensitivity including:
    • - History of symptoms when exposed to chemicals
      - Allergy skin testing (scratch or intradermal) for specific chemical allergies
      - Booth testing - controlled chemical exposure
      - Blood testing to determine: levels of chemical contaminates or their metabolites, level of antibodies to specific chemicals, levels of depolution enzymes and/or liver-kidney functioning.
  • Where are chemicals stored?
    When chemicals enter the body some are quickly eliminated by body functioning, others circulate in the blood until metabolized or until stored in fatty tissue, liver and/or brain.
  • How do we treat chemical sensitivity?


    • Reduce Total Load
      Since those who are chemically sensitive are in an "over load" it is important that they reduce their total load whenever possible by:
      - Reduce stress
      - Treat and control food and inhalant allergies
      - Control environment as much as possible

      Watch Your Nutrition
      Chemically sensitive individuals usually suffer from specific nutritional deficiencies which can be improved by a rotary diversified balanced diet and by taking the proper vitamins and minerals.

      Eat and Drink Safe Food and Water
      Reduce exposure to pesticides and other chemicals in foods by eating only organically grown meat and produce. Use only bottled or filtered water for drinking, cooking and bathing.

      Personal Care
      Carefully choose the personal products you use to avoid chemicals which can be present in:
      - Cosmetics
      - Soaps and shampoos
      - Deodorants and toothpaste
      - Sunscreens and body lotions
      - Clothes
      - Bedding


    • Filtration & Purification Controls
      Create a healthy inside environment for yourself by using:
      - HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting) filtration
      - Electrostatic air filters
      - Portable air purifiers

    Use Less-Toxic Products:

    • In Your Home
      Many products used in the home can contain harmful chemicals. Use the less-toxic alternatives in:
      - Pest management
      - Energy source for heating
      - Building and remodeling materials
      - Furnishings, draperies
      - Laundry and cleaning products
      - Air freshners and odor absorbers
      - Dishwashing compounds

      In Your Office and Workplace
      There are many additional opportunities for chemical exposure in the workplace. In addition to the above items, a chemically sensitive individual should be aware of possible problems created by:
      - Particleboard, plastics and stain resistant materials in office furnishings
      - Chemicals generated by the use of office equipment
      - Excessive exposure to glare and electromagnetic radiation from computers
      - Chemicals in papers, correction fluids, glues and lubricants used in offices
      - High voltage lines
      - Vehicle pollution on highways
      - Insecticide spraying in offices and herbicide spraying on roadways

    Substitute, Don't Retreat

  • Be aware of your limits
  • Take a brief retreat from the chemical world for healing
  • Substitute less-toxic products

    Some Common Chemical Exposures & Their Dangers

  • Pine Oil: GI irritant
    Chlorine: Respiratory irritant
    Chloroform: Carcinogen
    Chlorinated hydrocarbons: CNS*, Liver, Kidneys & Mucous membrane irritant
    Ammonia: Mucous membrane irritant
    Lead: Affects Brain & Blood
    Organophosphates: Nerve toxins
    Organochlorides: CNS, Liver, Kidneys & Mucous membrane irritant
    Alcohols: CNS & Mucous membrane irritant
    Aromatic hydrocarbons: CNS, Liver, Kidneys, Immune & Vascular Systems
    Aldehydes: Carcinogen & Mucous membrane irritant
    Fungicides: CNS
    Aliphatic hydrocarbons: CNS & Respiratory System
    *CNS=Central Nervous System

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