SUPERSIZE that Grace, will ya?
Where sin did abound, grace did
MUCH MORE abound.
We have this cockeyed idea that we have to be good to receive God's grace. What is grace? It is God's unearned favor - a gift from His loving heart. Now wages are earned - we work hard for that little paycheck - and does it ever seem to be enough? But a gift - you don't work for gifts - somebody gives you a gift simply because they care for you.
Forget about Santa Claus - you know "he's making a list, and he's checking it twice, gonna find out who've been naughty or nice"? That gift giving was based on your behavior. Well we know that Santa isn't real, and this idea of grace isn't either.
But the Bible says that where sin abounds - flows, flourishes, rules and controls you, God's grace MUCH MORE abounds - flowing over and consuming any and every sin that seems to have you in its grip. When sin seems overwhelming, God SUPERSIZES grace to be even more overwhelming.
Santa may make his list and check it twice, but the amount of naughtiness you are guilty of is immaterial compared to grace, which not only overcomes the naughtiness but also cancels out the list!!!
Jesus said, "I have come that you might have life MORE abundantly". Whatever you're enjoying of life now can be SUPERSIZED when you come to Jesus and receive God's grace.
God's grace is a package deal - and OH what a package! First of all you receive forgiveness of your sins. You say, Lord, I'm sorry and with your help, sin is outta here", and He says, "FORGIVEN". What if the list of sins I've done is way long? Jesus says, "FORGIVEN".
And then He says, "I'm your lawyer, and you've been declared NOT GUILTY by God. Yes, I pleaded your case with Him, and the list of sins you committed has been erased. Your sentence of death has been cancelled. Now you are FREE."
And then Jesus says, "Oh by the way, you are now God's Son". Now you're adopted in the Forever Family and you have lots of brothers and sisters.
"Also, we got some fine real estate set aside just for you in Heaven, with plenty of space, nice yard, trees that can heal ya, streets of gold, and some real nice neighbors."
"And we also have a very detailed map to get you there safe and sound. Just be sure not to take any detours." And Jesus hands you a Bible. "Oh, and one more thing, you have a teacher on the inside, He's just like Me, and His name is the Comforter, and He'll keep you right on track, if you'll just listen to Him and follow the map."
"There is a bad guy out there that doesn't want you to make it, though. Don't worry, he's defeated. But just in case he messes with ya, here is a new suit of clothes to wear that defends ya against him - like body armor. And that book I gave ya, the map? It also is a weapon against the bad guy, and if you use that and don't depend on how ya used to fight, you will always win."
"Now if there's anything else you need, just ask. Oh yeah, you can talk to me any time, 24/7. I'm here to answer when you call!"
Your sin was bad, but grace has been SUPERSIZED to cover it all.
Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound
to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will
abound in every good work.
Romans 5:20-21 The law was added so
that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all
the more, so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign
through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is
death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
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