Let Us Be Thankful: November Devotions

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

Click on date below to read the devotion for that day:


1 - Be Thankful for God's Glory

Bible Reading: 2 Chronicles 5:13-14; Isaiah 24:14-16, Isaiah 60:19

God's glory is a sign of his presence. "Glory" signifies brightness, light, beauty and power. The ancient prophets in their visions of God were awed and overwhelmed by God's glory.

Man makes a mistake when he tries to have all this glory for himself. Many waste their entire lives pursuing honor, glory and acclaim. If we give all the glory to God and magnify His name instead of seeking personal honor, a strange thing happens! God's glory is reflected in our lives and causes our faces to shine.

Prayer: Father God, I give you all the glory for the good things in my life and seek to honor and magnify your Name! AMEN

Thought for the day: Seeking glory and honor from people detours your heart away from God's glory being reflected in your life.

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2 - Thank God For A Good Feed

Bible Reading: Matthew 15:29-39

Have you ever heard a cook complemented by the phrase; "She sure puts on a good feed"? That means that you had a bountiful, mouth-watering feast, usually free of charge, and that you would like it go there again!

Want to know where you can get a "really good feed"? And it is free of charge! Every Sunday the Lord prepares a feast for us in His house, full of love, wisdom, and joy. And it is free! Guaranteed not to cause indigestion. Next Sunday, find your way to the Lord's table. He "sure puts on a good feed"!

Prayer: Jesus, Bread of Heaven, feed my spirit so that I can nourish others with your grace. AMEN

Thought for the day: Don't despise the banquet prepared for you by the Lord because it is free.

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3 - Thank God for Salvation!

Bible Reading: Acts 2:36-41

When Peter preached his first sermon on the day of Pentecost. He pleaded with the people: "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation".

When most people think of salvation: they usually think of what they are saved for: to live eternally with God instead of what they are saved from. Only God can give eternal life through Jesus Christ but we must make the decision to save ourselves from this corrupt generation. Today, the world is also heading for disaster, decay, disintegration and hell. If we follow the world, that is where we will end up also. Save yourselves from this tragedy today: come to Jesus!

Prayer: Father God, open my eyes to the corruption of this generation that I can flee from it. AMEN

Thought for the day: Peace and prosperity that comes from sinful living is a temporary illusion painted on a world of corruption.

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4 - Thank God for Holy Cheerleaders!

Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:32-37; 12:1-3

Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan is a grand old book that everyone ought to read. It is such a true picture of every pilgrim' s journey to heaven, full of pitfalls and promises. When we have difficulties it is so easy to feel alienated; that we alone are beset by such adversity.

But the apostle Paul said that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses who have walked the road before us, and are there cheering us on. No matter what road you travel, there are saints of God who have been there before you. So take heart, and keep traveling on!

Prayer: Father when the devil tries to discourage me, telling me my efforts are in vain and that I am alone on my journey, remind me of my heavenly cheerleaders who are encouraging me on towards victory as I fix my eyes on Jesus. AMEN

Thought for the day: Multitudes who have finished the race before us are witnesses of God's grace and evidence of the reality of His salvation.

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5 - Don't Borrow Trouble

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:25-27, 32-34

Worrying is borrowing trouble from the future. Jesus said that each day has trouble enough of its own.

Trust in God is the only sure cure for worry. If we believe that God is all-powerful, then He can do anything. And if we believe that He really loves us, then we know that He can and will take care of us. Instead of worrying about what the devil might do to us, we ought to trust God to take care of us, because He has the power and the love to perform everything He has promised us.

Prayer: Father, when worry knocks at my door, remind me to send it away and trust in your love and grace to care for me all the days of my life. AMEN

Thought for the day: Jesus never lied. He said that God would take care of us if we seek His kingdom first, and God will.

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6 - Getting Rid of Guilt

Bible Reading: Isaiah 6:1-7; Hebrews 10:19-22

Guilt is a very useful emotion. It can alert us to areas in our life in which we have failed, and it can lead us to forgiveness through the Lord Jesus Christ. God never intended that we live guilt-ridden lives, however. After guilt leads us to repentance it is useless and even harmful to us. Let guilt lead you to forgiveness, and then let it go.

Prayer: Jesus, I confess all my sin to you today. Cleanse me of guilt, fear and doubt and fill me with your precious joy in believing. AMEN

Thought for the day: Guilt turns into the pure gold of faith when we are confess and are forgiven for sin.

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7 - Investing your treasure

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:19-21

Almost daily, we hear of the failure of banks, savings & loan associations, and the bankruptcy of businesses in which people have invested, and now lost, their life savings. They had been promised a high return on their money, and they had believed, only to lose everything.

It matters very much where you invest your treasure. Yet many who are scrupulous financially in this world, have given no thought to their wealth in the world to come. Jesus admonishes us to lay up treasure in heaven where there is no rust to corrode it, no moths to eat it up and no thieves to steal it. The bank of heaven never fails, it never closes and it pays eternal interest. Invest your treasure there today!

Prayer: Father, thank you for my treasured loved ones who are already in Heaven and waiting for me. Let me live a life worthy of You and seek to increase wealth in the world to come. AMEN

Thought for the day: No earthly bank is secure from corruption, destruction or thievery. Why waste the essence of your life in laying up treasure here?

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8 - Let Peace Rule

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:15; Philippians 4:7

In the hustle and bustle of our everyday loves, if we are honest, we must admit that often anxiety rules over us. Yet the Bible exhorts us to "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts".

If Jesus' peace ruled in our hearts, what could cause us anxiety? Could financial difficulties, illnesses,. bad circumstances, rejection, or any other thing upset us? If we would only remember to let the peace of Christ rule in our hearts then anxiety would have no place to stay.

Prayer: Jesus, you are the Prince of Peace! Reign in my spirit, heart and life today. AMEN

Thought for the day: If anxiety rules your life, it will resist peace. But if the peace of Christ rules, anxiety is defeated.

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9 - Peace?

Bible Reading: Isaiah 9:6; Luke 1:76-79; 2 Thessalonians 3:16

The whole world longs for peace. But, somewhere today there is fighting, killing atrocity, anxiety, terror and woe. Someone is trying to take away someone else' s freedom: property: or his very life. Will there ever be peace?

Jesus is known as the Prince of Peace but the peace that He brings does not come cheaply: it cost him his life. And worldwide peace will come at a similar cost to us: we must submit our lives to God and die to our selfishness in order to obtain and to proclaim this peace. Only Jesus can "guide our feet into the path of peace". 

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, guide my feet into your path of peace. AMEN

Thought for the day: The Prince of Peace guides our feet into the path of peace with God and man when He rules in our hearts.

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10 - Be Thankful For True Strength

Bible Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21

Fitness fads come and go: jogging, aerobics, weight lifting; and so on. It does seem, however, that our culture has taken more than just a passing fancy to physical health and well being.

As usual, mankind's emphasis has settled on outward appearance instead of inward development. Man concentrates on the outside; but God wants to strengthen us inwardly.

Oh, to be "strong in spirit"! Because spiritual strength lasts forever.

Prayer: Father God strengthen me with YOUR might in the inner man and I will be fit forever. AMEN

Thought for the day: True strength is inward.

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11 - Be Thankful for the Christmas Rush?

Bible Reading: I John 3:1; Romans 15:13; Luke 6:32-36

Christmas is "just around the corner" and already stores; shopping malls, and shops are gearing up for the "big rush"! Now is a good time to determine NOT to get caught up in the frenzied race of gift shopping, parties, stress, and the rushing to and fro that usually characterizes the season.

Instead get ready to receive: the love of God sent to us in Jesus; the peace given to us by God's Son, and the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then give: first give yourself fully to God and then give to those who are truly in need

Jesus said, "If you give only to those who can return the favor, What credit is that to you?"

Prayer: Jesus settle my heart with your peace to celebrate your birthday with joy and grace. AMEN

Thought for the day: Christmas credit comes from giving grace to the undeserving desperate.

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12 - Be Thankful for Father God

Bible Reading: John 10:25-30; 14:6-21

How do you picture God? Some look at him as a mean old man who doesn't want us to have any fun. Others see him as a fierce judge anxious to convict us and punish us for our sins. Most probably do not think of him at all.

It is interesting that God reveals himself in the Bible as a father who lovingly watches over and provides for his children. He is not anxious to punish us for our sins; on the contrary, he wants to forgive us. He also wants us to enjoy life!

The apostle Paul wrote, "If God be for us who can be against us? --Who can be our foe if God is on our side? He who did not withhold or spare his own son, but gave him up for us all, will he not also with him freely and graciously give us all things?" (Romans 8:31-32, Amplified)

God is our loving Father and is on our side!

Prayer: God my Father, thank you for your love and care for me. AMEN

Thought for the day: Earthly fathers often fall short of God's goodness and fail to lead us to love our Heavenly Father. But through Jesus Christ we can overcome the failings of our earthly fathers, and receive the glorious affection of Father God, who loves us as dear children.

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13 - Thankful for God's Love

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:13-18, I John 3:1-3, 16

We take the love of God for granted, really. He has created our beautiful world and all that is in it. He keeps things running for us and we hardly notice. The wonders of creation is only a small portion of the love that God has given us. The exciting thing is not only the quantity of good things His love has brought us, but the quality of them. He does things so perfectly, they seem easy to us. But we cannot duplicate any of His works

The same holds true for what God has given us in the spiritual realm. The apostle John writes: "See what an incredible quality of love the Father has given (shown, bestowed on) us, that we should be permitted to be named and called and counted the children of God!

Prayer: Thank you Father for such love!

Thought for the day: We are children of God's love and as we walk in His love, we are becoming like Him.

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14 - Be Thankful for Pain?

Bible Reading: I Peter 2:19; 3:17; 4:12-13; Hebrews 12:11

America is almost as afraid of pain as she is of poverty. We live in a sugarcoated world of instant gratification and pleasure. We are taught that a pill will cure anything. And that doctors are virtually all-knowing, omniscient.

But when we come up against the horror of cancer, or of any incurable disease, we founder. Instead of calling on God who can help us, we blame him for our sorrow. We fail to acknowledge that pain can have a purpose and even be beneficial to us. C. S. Lewis said:

"... Pain insists on being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasure, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world." (The problem of pain. P. 93)

When you are in pain seek God.

Prayer: Father God, when I am in pain, let me look to you for its purpose and seek relief from your healing grace in Jesus as I yield my will to yours. AMEN

Thought for the day: Pain is often more beneficial to our spiritual development than pleasure.

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15 - Be Thankful for Pressure?

Bible Reading: Zecharaiah 9:16; Isaiah 61:10; Romans 12:1-2

* Pressure * Stress. * Frustration *

We can all identify with these words in the pressure-cooker world we live in. We all know that diamonds are formed under pressure, so why do we feel like lumps of coal?

The Bible warns us not to let the world "squeeze us into its mold", but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds by the Word. If we will let the grace of God change us through His Word, we will no longer be lumps of coal, but sparkling diamonds. We will not be cracked by pressure, marred by stress or discolored by frustration, but full of light, peace and joy.

Prayer: Father, transform me into a sparkling diamond to reflect your glory. In Jesus Name AMEN

Thought for the day: A lump of coal becomes a diamond only under intense heat and pressure.

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16 - Service as Gratitude

Bible Reading: Luke 22:24-27

No one wants to be a servant these days. A lot of gas stations are now "self service" and in many stores it is nearly impossible to get someone to help you. Even in restaurants, you are invited to "serve yourself" at the salad bar or soup pot. Although on the surface it seems we are encouraged to be independent, the truth is that none of us wants to wait on or take care of anyone else.

Jesus came not to be ministered to but to minister unto others. And he is calling His followers to be servants. Whoever wants be the ruler must first be servant of all. Today we need to ask ourselves, "are we self-servers or are we servants?"

Prayer: Father give me a servant's heart. AMEN

Thought for the day: True leadership is service to the saints and comes from a grateful heart.

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17 - Grateful for God's Justice

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:1-2; I Corinthians 4:1-5

It is easy to become confused today, with so many people in the news who seem to be good, but are found out to be wicked. Who can we trust in? How can we judge who is good?

The Bible admonishes us not to judge or condemn others. That is God's business,and only he can see the end from the beginning. What may seem to be a great tragedy to us can turn in to a victory through God's hand. So we can rest in this assurance: God is the righteous judge. And we need to be concerned, not with the faults of others, but with the purity of our own hearts.

Prayer: Father God, give me a gentle and kind spirit. Remove condemnation and criticizing far from me, and keep my own heart pure of fault. In Jesus Name. AMEN

Thought for the day: A critical spirit often masks a faulty heart.

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18 - Building Inspectors

Bible Reading: I Corinthians. 3:10-1-15

Some Christians spend a lot of time being "building inspectors": criticizing and scrutinizing the lives of others. They constantly worry that others are not living up to God's standards.

But when the day of Jesus Christ comes, then the Supervisor of all building will try these works by fire. Edifices of wood, hay, or straw will be burned. Buildings of gold, silver, and costly stones will be revealed.

Is your spiritual house ready for the supervisor himself to inspect it?

Prayer: Father God, test my construction today to see if it is built on Jesus. Show me my faulty wiring and misbuilt walls, and help me rebuild as you desire. AMEN

Thought for the day: A faulty foundation will cause your building to fail.

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19 - Thankfully Agreeing

Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 2:23; Titus 3:9; Matthew 18:19-20

Our newspapers are filled with controversy. Everyday we hear of labor disputes, lawsuits, civil rights cases, divorces, disagreements, violence, and unrest. Competition is lauded in our culture; cooperation is often seen as sign of weakness.

The Bible says: "If two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven." There is power in agreement between believers in Christ Jesus. So let's stop fighting and start agreeing.

Prayer: Daddy on High, help me find areas of agreement with my brothers and not seek areas of dispute. AMEN.

Thought for the day: Partnership promotes prayer power.

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20 - Who is the greatest?

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:1-5

I'm the greatest!" Muhammad Ali used to proclaim. In almost very walk of life. People are constantly vying for the limelight, wanting to be the best, #1, Ye Grande Champion.

At one time, Jesus' disciples asked him. "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" His answer may surprise you. He called to him a little child and said: "You must be humble like this little child to even enter the kingdom". To be the greatest, you must be humble and willing to be the least.

Prayer: Father quiet my strivings to be #1 and help me have the humility of a child on your knee. AMEN

Thought for the day: Humility is greatness in the kingdom.

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21 - Don't Be Thankful for Garbage

Bible Reading: I Timothy 4:1-7; John 6:33-35

Not many of us have ever had to rummage through garbage cans in search of something to eat. The very thought of it sickens us. But many of us are rummaging through spiritual garbage cans to receive spiritual nourishment. We will try anything that comes along, although it includes godless myths, old wives tales, and doctrines of demons.

For real spiritual food, we need to partake of the Bread of Life! Jesus Christ, by reading His Word: the Bible.

Prayer: Dear Lord, cleanse me of spiritual garbage and feed me with the Bread of Life. AMEN.

Thought for the day: Eat from the Master's table, not the spiritual garbage cans of the world.

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22 - Overcoming Evil

Bible Reading: Luke 6:27-28; Romans 12:14, 17-21

When we are insulted, our first impulse is to utter an curse in return. If we have been taught good manners, we may grit our teeth and turn away, but we are still seething inside, allowing the initial evil of the insult to multiply and grow, bearing the fruit of resentment and bitterness.

The Bible offers a better solution: "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good". When we answer an insult with a soft, kind word we stop the evil in its' tracks and it cannot grow. Our loving response will produce good fruit, and may bring about change in that other person for good.

Prayer: Father may the fruit of my lips be ever kind, soft and loving. AMEN

Thought for the day: Fiery words incite fierier responses; but mercy soothes hurting hearts.

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23 - Weak faith

Bible Reading: Romans 14:1-4, 13-14, 19-21

It is easy, in church matters, to use the world's standards of judgement, and to condemn and avoid those we feel whose "faith is weak", whose lives do not "measure up", who engage in practices that are not really sinful, but are "disputable matters".

But the Bible says: "Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgement on disputable matters". Our job is to build up, not tear down, our brothers and sisters in the Lord. And who knows? They may be able to strengthen us in our weak areas as well.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to lovingly accept all of those for whom You died. AMEN

Thought for the day: Disobedience is worse than weak faith.

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24 - Thank God for Eternal Life!

Bible Reading: Romans 6:19-23

The federal government has established a minimum wage that has to be paid to the majority of the workers in the U. S. A. Indeed, we all work for wages, salaries, or some form of compensation for our efforts.

Many people work as hard at sinning as they do at their jobs. Did you know that sin also pays a wage? The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. On the other hand, you can never earn salvation or eternal life by your works: it would be like trying to purchase Fort Knox while you are working for the minimum wage.

But the good news is this: salvation and eternal life are free! All it takes is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer: Father I thank you for the gift of salvation and eternal life. AMEN

Thought for the day: You can work for sin's wage of death, or receive God's gift of eternal life. Which is the better deal?

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25 - Be Thankful in Prayer

Bible Reading: Psalm 1:1-2; Proverbs 15:29; Matthew 6:9-13; 21:22

What is prayer? According to the dictionary, prayer is a spiritual communion with God, as in making requests, thanksgiving or adoration. According to Roget's Thesaurus, synonyms for prayer are supplication, suit, worship, request, petition, entreaty, and benediction.

What is the opposite of prayer? Here Roget gives expostulation (complaint), restriction (restraint), and mockery (ridicule): all characteristics of non-believers.

Does your life reflect your faith in God? Do you have a relationship of prayer with the heavenly Father? Or do you engage in complaining and mockery? Do you practice restraint, feeling that your petitions are too trivial and unimportant to bother God with? "The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayers of the righteous."

Prayer: Father God I am thankful that you have granted me the privilege to commune with you. In Jesus Name, AMEN

Thought for the day: Faith gives wings to prayer.

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26 - The First Thanksgiving

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 4:15; Philippians 4:6-7; I Timothy 2:1-6

We are told that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by Pilgrim colonists who were grateful for the Lord's provision for their needs. Today some are still thankful, mostly for turkey and pumpkin pie!

The attitude of thanksgiving to God is appropriate at any time, but this special day is set aside so that we can deliberate and meditate on God's daily blessings to us. He has given us our very breath and everything else besides. Saying "thank you" is not only an act of gratitude, but also an act of faith in God's continuing providential care for us.

Prayer: Thank you Father God for the many blessings you heap upon me daily, chief of which is my salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN

Thought for the day: Thanksgiving is the "Amen" to our faith.

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27 - Be Thankful for "Spiritual Allergies"

Bible Reading: Hebrews 12:1-3

Many have allergies today. Ragweed makes them sneeze; pollen irritates their eyes; cats make them break out in hives. Dust, grass, and cigarette smoke: all are sources of misery.

There is one allergy we should all desire to have, and that is an aversion to sin. The presence of sin should make our eyes water, our noses itch and our skin "break out". Dan Case says that when a "spiritual allergy" is activated that "our spirit discerns a spiritual threat, and starts ringing the alarm bell in our hearts ... Our "spiritual allergies" were given to warn us when we are straying from the path." So when our "spiritual allergies" cause us to have a "heart reaction", we need to take heed, and learn to avoid the offending sin and the eternal misery it brings.

Prayer: Father, when my heart tells me that a sin is near, give me the strength and grace to resist. AMEN

Thought for the day: Unconfessed sin brings eternal misery without relief.

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28 - Spiritual Infants

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 3:1-4; Hebrews 5:12-14

Sometimes infants seem to be nothing but a wail, a whimper, and a dirty diaper! They do have endearing qualities, of course. And there's always the hope that they will soon grow up.

The apostle Paul spoke of spiritual infants that are known by their worldliness, jealousy, quarreling and party spirit. Spiritual infants can only feed on spiritual milk. New Christians are often endearing, but their goal should be, not to remain baby Christians, but to grow up in Christ.

Prayer: Jesus help me to mature in You and feed on the solid food of the Word. AMEN

Thought for the day: Discernment is a mark of Christian maturity.

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29 - Falling Spiritual Leaders

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 3:4-11

In our day, we have witnessed the rise and fail of some of our spiritual leaders and the faith of many has been weakened. But this is good, because it has shown that faith for what it truly is: weak, pitiful, and centered upon man.

Instead, we need to focus upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and build upon the foundation that he has laid. Get your eyes off of men, no matter how "spiritual" they seem to be. Place your faith in Jesus the Son of God. He will never fail you.

Prayer: Jesus, I place my faith in you, the only firm foundation, and resolve to focus only on you, not men. AMEN

Thought for the day: Faith's firm foundation is the bedrock of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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30 - Be Thankful for Good News!

Bible Reading: Mark 1:14-15; 16:15; Romans 10:8-10

To many people today the term "Christianity is bad news "Oh no!" they exclaim. "Here come those goody two-shoes trying to tell me what I should do."

But Mark, in his gospel calls the message of Christianity the "good news of God". And the message that Jesus preached is this same good news.

Well, what is this good news?

That IS good news!

Prayer: Jesus thank you for this good news! Give me holy boldness to broadcast it all around! AMEN

Thought for the day: Broadcast the Good News!

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Congratulations! If you have made it this far, you have experienced a month of growth in the Lord Jesus Christ. It may have been painful at times, but your faithfulness to God's Word and discipline in daily spending time with Him has reaped rewards here and for all eternity. Keep up the good work and join us NEXT month for more devotions from God's Word. If you haven't kept up with the devotions, don't waste time feeling guilty, just resolve with God's help to make more room for Him in your life.


The Open Heart   

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