Set Ablaze for God: October Devotions

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1 - Thankfulness

Bible Reading: Psalms 13:5-6; 75:1; 92:1-8

Thankfulness seems to be in short supply these days, especially around election time. Murmuring, complaining, and backbiting fill our homes and TV screens. We're focusing on what we lack, not what we already possess.

God has showered all of us with life, health and love. The very breath we breathe is a gift of God's grace, and evidence of His loving concern for us. Let us focus on what we have, and let us be thankful.

Prayer: Thank you Father for the many benefits you bestow upon me daily. AMEN

Thought for the day: Thankfulness is the beginning of faith.

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2 - The Sacrifice of Praise

Bible Reading: Psalms 107:22-23; 116:17; 119:108; Hebrews 13:15-16

Sometimes when circumstances hem us in and we are worried about our health, our finances or our loved ones, thanksgiving is the last thing on our minds. In fact, we might even be blaming God for not taking better care of us.

Times like these require a sacrifice of thanksgiving. We offer thanks to God in spite of the circumstance. This shows that we believe He is taking care of us even when we can't see the evidence of His loving care. The sacrifice of thanksgiving reminds us of God's past care, and assures us that He is still taking care of us.

Prayer: Father, I offer you a sacrifice of praise to day, giving you thanks even in h ard times, because I know you will take care of your children. AMEN

Thought for the day: Our sacrifice of praise costs satan - it robs him of victory for this hardship we are believing God for deliverance from.

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3 - Peace Destroyers

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:15- 17

Advertising is the only industry that does not produce a product or a service. At its' worst, which seems to be the norm these days, advertising seeks to make us want what we really don't need, and certainly can't afford, and to expect to get what we want right now!

This tends to destroy our peace and contentment because we are never satisfied with what we have. To counter these negative effects, cultivate an attitude of thankfulness for what we already have. Focus on the blessings God has freely given us, and be thankful.

Prayer: Father I am truly grateful for the blessings you have given me. Let the peace of Christ rule in my heart, and let me not be swayed by dissatisfaction. AMEN

Thought for the day: Advertising creates discontentment so our peace can be bought by men of greed.

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4 - Be Thankful

Bible Reading: Colossians 1:3-12

Do you have an impossible boss? One that is never satisfied with what you do? One that is grouchy and self-serving, who takes the credit for your ideas? One that makes you "hot under the collar" when you even think about it?

Be thankful! Be thankful that you have a job. Be thankful that the Lord has sent this person into your life to help smooth off your rough edges. Be thankful that you can minister God's love to that person. Be thankful!

Prayer: Father help me to show your love at work. AMEN

Thought for the day: A grouchy boss is better than no boss at all.

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5 - Can you trust God 10%?

Bible Reading: Malachi 3:10-12; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Do you usually have more month than you have money? Have you stretched your dollars so far that George Washington is all bent out of shape? Are you tired of pinching pennies and cutting corners? Then you are right where God wants you to be - in a perfect position to trust him with your finances.

And the first thing you need to do is give - yes, I said give God something to bless you with. His plan in the Bible is for you to give him 10%, and then he will not only stretch the remaining 90% to meet your needs, but you'll have money left over! But first, you've got to trust Him with that 10%!

Prayer: Father God, I'm willing to trust you 10%! And I give to you cheerfully out of a grateful heart. AMEN

Thought for the day: God's math: 10% given to him makes the 90% you keep provide 100% of your necessities and many of your luxuries.

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6 - An Attitude of Gratitude

Bible Reading: I Thessalonians 5:16-18; Ephesians 5:17-20.

The Bible says to be thankful in every thing. Does this mean when you can't pay your bills? Yes, be thankful. Does this mean when you don't feel good, or your children are sick, or you just lost your job? Yes, be thankful!

An attitude of gratitude shows that you know God is aware of your hardships and is allowing them to happen to you for a reason. And that He will see you through them all. God's hand is still on your life. Be thankful!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I am thankful most of all for my salvation, which means you WILL supply all my needs. So I'm thanking you in advance, in faith that you will care for me. AMEN

Thought for the day: Circumstances don't reveal God's love, the Word does, and since it is eternal, we can always find things to be thankful for.

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7 - The Cure for Fear

Bible Reading: Isaiah 41:10-13

Oral Roberts once said: "Fear is the most wasting, tormenting, destroying power known to the human family. It comes from wrong believing. Fear is believing that there is no help in God, no higher power to whom we can hand over our uncertainties and perplexities." *

But we can be thankful because there is a God in Heaven who cares, who will help us. We can give all of our fears to Him and be free to bask in his lovingkindness. Thank God, He has the cure for fear!

Prayer: Father God, I will not fear nor be dismayed, for you are my God. You will strengthen and help me and deliver me from all my enemies. In Jesus Name, AMEN

Thought for the day: Fear destroys; faith builds.

*(My Favorite Bible Scriptures, c1963, Tulsa, Oklahoma)

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8 - The Attitude of a Champion

Bible Reading: Romans 8:34-37; 2 Corinthians 2:14

When we are in the midst of adverse circumstances, it's hard to feel victorious, isn't it? How can we feel like conquerors when the defeat of depression has us in its' grip?

Know that the Bible says that we are more than conquerors through Jesus who loves us. The Word of God declares that we are victors that nothing can defeat. An attitude of victory will drive depression away. Thank God who always causes us to triumph through the Lord Jesus Christ!

Prayer: I claim the victory in Jesus Name! I declare that I am more than a conqueror throught Jesus who loves me, and that Jesus always leads me in triumphal procession with Him. AMEN

Thought for the day: Victory is the mindset of a champion.

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9 - Dissatisfaction

Bible Reading: Proverbs 19:23; Philippians 4:11-13; I Timothy 6:6-10

Where does dissatisfaction come from? Why is it that our successes never seem enough? Most of us have plenty to eat, clean clothes to wear, and a decent place to live. Why is this not enough?

We are not satisfied because we are trying to use earthly things to fill a heavenly hunger, a hunger for fellowship with God. Until we engage in a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, nothing will completely satisfy us. With Jesus, we are contented.

Prayer: Jesus, I dwell in contentment because you truly satisfy my soul. AMEN

Thought for the day: Heavenly hungers are never satisfied with earthly foods.

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10 - Love For Real

Bible Reading: Romans 5:6-8; 8:38-39; Romans 10:8-10.

Is the Love of God for real? Does He really love the prostitute lounging on the corner? The alcoholic rolling around in the gutter? The drug addict desperate for a fix?

Yes! The love of God reaches as low as the lowest sinner. The love of God spreads out to include all of mankind. And the love of God transforms lives sold out to sin into the sons of God. All you have to do is receive His love in your heart. He's reaching out to you today.

Prayer: Father, I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that you raised him from the dead. I receive your love and want to serve you now and always. AMEN

Thought for the day: The love of God passes every test and reaches out to all.

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11 - What IF?

Bible Reading: Proverbs 12:25; Philippians 4:6-7

The anxious person lives in a world of "what if's". What if I get sick tomorrow? What if a hurricane tears my roof off next Tuesday? What if my spouse falls in love with someone else? What if I lose my job next month, right before Christmas?

The sad thing about this is that most of these "what if's" never happen. You have wasted all of that emotional energy over nothing. Trust in God to take care of all of your tomorrows. Cast aside the "what if's" and spend your thinking time more profitably - meditate on God's Word, which will bring you peace.

Prayer: Father, I confess that all my days are in your hands. I cast all my cares on you, and exchange my anxiety for your peace. In Jesus' Name, AMEN.

Thought for the day: "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened. " - Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

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12 - Worry is a Waste

Bible Reading: John 16:33; Philippians 4:13; Hebrews 13:8

Jesus, who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, has already faced and conquered any problems that you will ever have. So why waste time worrying about them? Why be fearful? He has already taken care of all of your tomorrows.

Just rest in the assurance of His love and watchcare over you. Go to bed in peace and wake up with joy. Commit your life to Him and He will guide all of your footsteps, from right here, right now, on into eternity.

Prayer: Jesus, I rest easy in the assurance of your love and care for me always. AMEN

Thought for the day: Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength. Charles Haddon Spurgeon

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13 - Overcoming Temptation

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 1:8-9; 10:11-13; Hebrews 2:18.

Temptations to sin are all around us these days. Opportunities to do wrong almost seem to outnumber opportunities to do right. Sinning seems easy, after all "everybody's doing it". How can a Christian remain pure and faithful to God?

The Bible says that Jesus was tempted in ALL ways that we are, yet He didn't sin. The Bible also promises that Jesus will provide a way for us to escape every temptation if we rely on Him. Trust in His strength to overcome temptation.

Prayer: Jesus, when I am tempted to sin, remind me not to look for the world's easy way IN, but Your easy way OUT. AMEN

Thought for the day: Yielding to temptation impedes God's grace.

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14 - Fear of Death

Bible Reading: Romans 6:4; I Corinthians 15:55-57; Hebrews 2:14-15

Every day the news is filled with gruesome accounts of murders, automobile accidents, and dreadful diseases. The reign of death seems to touch us all. And the fear of death can continually haunt us, if we let it.

But Jesus has risen from the dead, and has conquered death, hell and the grave. A Christian need not fear death, because Jesus has given us eternal life. He has removed the sting of death for His children. We need not fear anything.

Prayer: Jesus, thank you for setting me free from the fear of death so I can walk in newness of life! AMEN

Thought for the day: Either fear of death or the Conqueror of fear reigns in our hearts.

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15 - Meaning of the Cross

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 1:17-25; Colossians 1:13-15.

It's in style these days to wear a cross: cross earrings, cross necklaces, even cross nose rings! But what does the cross really mean? Crucifiction was one of the cruelest and most shameful deaths that the Romans could devise, reserved for notorious criminals. The victim died slowly, laboring against ropes or nails in the sweltering heat for each heaving breath.

Jesus' death on the cross paid the penalty for our sins, and turned the symbol of shame and defeat into one of eternal victory for believers.

Prayer: Jesus, remind me not to take the cross for granted or count it only as a piece of jewelry. Thank you for paying the penalty for my sins. AMEN

Thought for the day: Wearing the cross as jewelry may be "in style" today, but what does that symbol really mean to you?

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16 - The Eyes of Fear

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:22-23; Ephesians 1:18-23

Fear is an attitude that can distort our perception of how things actually are. It makes our problems seem bigger, our enemies seem stronger, and our abilities seem meager. It makes the devil seem to have the upper hand, when in reality, God has placed the devil under our feet.

Looking through the eyes of fear is like looking through the wrong end of a telescope. Faith, however, shows things in their true proportions, because we see them from God's viewpoint, and He is always victorious.

Prayer: Father bring the light of your victory to my eyes and drive away all fear. AMEN

Thought for the day: Fear distorts and darkens; faith brings truth and light.

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17 - The Love of God

Bible Reading: Mark 3:1-5; Romans 8:35-39

What has the power to separate us from the love of God? Do problems? No, because God can solve them all. Does persecution? No, because it only drives us closer to God. Does disease? No, because God can and will heal us. Can financial difficulties separate us from His love? No, because He owns all the treasures of the earth and loves to bless His children. Even dreaded death brings us immediately into His presence.

The only thing that can separate you from God's love is a stubborn heart. Otherwise, nothing in all of creation can keep His love from flowing into your life.

Prayer: Father God, I receive your love, let it flow through my life. I will walk in your ways and do your will. AMEN

Thought for the day: Stubbornness builds walls against God's love.

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18 - Deeper Still

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalm 139:8-12

Corrie ten Boom, who survived the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp in World War II, once said that "You cannot go so deep, that God is not deeper still". Even in the brutal surroundings that destroyed the rest of her family, she experienced the presence and love of God.

In your life, no night is so dark that God cannot see you, no sin is too terrible for Him to forgive. No matter how low you go, He is there before you. He will never be satisfied until you rest in His everlasting arms. Your sin may be deep, but God is deeper still.

Prayer: Father God, wrap your loving arms around me and lift me up from my sin, so that I can rest in you. AMEN

Thought for the day: Underneath are the everlasting arms of God.

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19 - Everything Changes?

Bible Reading: James 1:17; Hebrews 13:5-8

"Everything changes" is a line in a popular song. And it does seem to be that way: life is a mad rush to buy new clothes, cars, houses, boats, etc. We're always trying new fads, new foods, new politicians. Everything does seem to be in a constant state of flux.

But the Bible declares that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. His love for us is unchanging and constant. In Him, our past is forgiven, our present is happy, and our future is secure. "Everything changes", but God's love for us remains the same.

Prayer: Father I thank you for your unchanging and matchless love. AMEN

Thought for the day: Everything changes but the great I AM.

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20 - Loneliness

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:6, 8; Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5

Loneliness. Just saying the word makes you feel sad. Being without someone who understands your feelings, who cares about your hurts, who will comfort your griefs. Loneliness.

Are you lonely today? Jesus cares. He said, "I'll never leave you or forsake you". He will come to you, right where you are, and live inside your heart. You don't ever need to be lonely again. Talk to Jesus. He loves you.

Prayer: Jesus I feel so lonely, but I believe your Word that you will never leave me or forsake me. So even when I feel alone, I know by faith in you that you are with me to keep me company. I love you. AMEN

Thought for the day: You are never alone with Jesus in your heart.

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21 - "Do It Yourself" Religion

Bible Reading: Hebrews 2:1-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:9-10

Most people cannot cut their own hair, and would be unhappy with the results if they tried to do it themselves. When your car breaks down, you most likely will take it to a mechanic. Some people have tried to fix their own plumbing, with disastrous consequences.

What do we do when we need help with the things we ourselves cannot do? We call in an expert! Yet, when it comes to salvation, many people opt for the "do-it-yourself" variety. But no one can save themselves, no matter how hard they try. Go to the "Salvation Expert", Jesus Christ. Results are100% guaranteed.

Prayer: Father, I know that I cannot save myself. I receive salvation from the Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN

Thought for the day: The first step in receiving salvation is admitting that you CAN'T "do-it-yourself".

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22 - The Luxury of Thanksgiving

Bible Reading: Psalm 95:1-6; Philippians 4:6-7

Modern life is full of many luxuries: sports cars, big screen TVs, diamond jewelry, a vacation in Tahiti. Not many of us will be able to enjoy all of these in our lifetimes, but there is one luxury we can all enjoy and it's free.

It is the luxury of thanksgiving, flowing from the fountain of praise that never runs dry. Any time, any place, that feeling of thankfulness can well up, bringing joy to your heart.1 Better than any material possession, it cannot be taxed or taken away from you. Give praise to God and experience the luxury of thanksgiving in your heart right now.

Prayer: Father, make me a fountain of praise every day.. AMEN

Thought for the day: If you don't exercise the luxury of thanksgiving, you may end up with a wealth of despair.

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23 - The Fog of Doubt

Bible Reading: James 1:5-6; Jude 1:20-22.

Some mornings it is so foggy that you can hardly see to drive. You creep along, hoping that some reckless driver won't come flying up and run over you.

Sometimes our lives are enveloped in a fog of doubt, doubt that God cares for us, doubt that He loves us. Corrie ten Boom, once said that, "Faith is like a radar which sees through the fog - the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see".2 If you are blundering through a fog of doubt today, have faith in God. It is a true radar that will bring you safely home.

Prayer: Jesus, burn off the fog of doubt with the sunshine of your love. AMEN

Thought for the day: Faith clears the fog of doubt so that we can see God.

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24 - Thanksgiving List

Bible Reading: I Corinthians 1:3-9.

When we review our list of things to be thankful for, we usually speak of our families, friends, comfortable homes, nice cars, good food, and sometimes we even remember to list "nature" there, as a nod of thanks in God's direction.

In reality, God should be #1 on our list, because He has made everything else possible. And #2 should be Salvation, because it's the most valuable thing we possess. If you are unable to include God and His wonderful Salvation on your list, isn't it time that you talked to Jesus about it?

Prayer: Father, thank you for the glorious gift of thanksgiving. AMEN

Thought for the day: Only a fool does NOT see God as the source of all good things.

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25 - Eternal Perspective

Bible Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:11; Psalm 93:1-5; John 17:1-3

Many look upon money, honor of men and success as the important issues of life. If you look over the brink of eternity, however, you will obtain a different perspective on life. As an old German proverb says:

"What I spent, I had;
What I saved, I lost;
What I gave, I have."3

It isn't what you earn or obtain or try to keep that is important in the light of eternity. It's what you give away that you will be able to keep. Give yourself first of all to the Lord Jesus Christ, then give of yourself to others, and you will be well prepared for eternity.

Prayer: Father set my heart on Jesus and prepare me for eternity. AMEN

Thought for the day: Let eternity's search light test the work of your days.

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26 - True Freedom

Bible Reading: Luke 4:18-19; Hebrews 2:14-15

One of the things we are most thankful for today in America is our freedom. We are free to vote our conscience and to practice whatever religion we choose. We are free to work where we want, play the way we desire, and to come and go uninhibited.

Yet, so many are in bondage to material possessions, to the fear of men, and to the fear of death. We have lost true freedom due to anxiety over poor choices. Right now, you can recover your freedom by making the choice to live for Jesus. He breaks every bondage and sets the prisoner free.

Prayer: Jesus I receive you into my heart and life and am set free from every bondage. AMEN

Thought for the day: True freedom is liberty in Jesus.

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27 - Kiss Worry Goodby

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:25-33

Are you a "worry wart"? If you spend more than 50% of your waking hours worrying, you are, according to Thomas Borkovec, PhD. You may also develop some of these physical symptoms: irritability, fatigue, restlessness, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating and sleeping disturbances. You can literally "worry yourself sick".4

A better way to handle life's uncertainties is to put them in the hands of God. Knowing that He holds your future in His loving hands is a true antidote for anxiety. He can deal with your problems and keep you healthy,too. Commit your life to Him, and kiss worry goodby.

Prayer: Father I give up my anxiety to you and exchange it for your peace. I commit my life totally into your hands, in Jesus Name. AMEN

Thought for the day: Anxiety consumes your life; faith nurtures your heart.

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28 - A Cure for Worry

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4-8

The uncertainties and perplexities of life can create a great deal of anxiety in our hearts if we aren't careful. Then we will find ourselves spending sleepless nights trying to come up with our own solutions. Which is impossible many times, because we worry about things we cannot change. An old hymn of the church asks, "Why worry, when you can pray?"

Prayer is a sure cure for worry. It gets your attention off of the problem and on to the solution. It focuses on God's strength instead of your weakness. And it reminds you that God really cares. Why worry? Pray!

Prayer: Father I lift my needs and requests to you and exhange them for your guarding peace. AMEN

Thought for the day: Peace keeps the worry out.

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29 - Building Materials for Miracles

Bible Reading: Psalm 55:22; Jeremiah 30:17; Nahum 1:7; I Peter 5:7;

If you are in trouble today, you are a prime candidate for God's mercy. When we are in trouble, we feel like we deserve God's help the least, but that's when we need Him the most. Jesus came to earth to help the helpless, not those who have everything under control. He delights in solving our problems. Corrie ten Boom once said, "... man's importunity is God's opportunity. He uses our problems as building materials for His miracles."5

Our problems will seem like anything but building materials for a miracle, but God looks at them as an opportunity to show us His love, if we will just ask Him.

Prayer: Father God, my life has many opportunities for miracles. I look to you to provide for all my needs. AMEN

Thought for the day: Problems are opportunities to trust in God.

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30 - Are You Lost?

Bible Reading: John 1:4-5; 9-14

If you were lost on a snowy evening, snow flakes obscuring your vision, your gas tank nearly empty, the temperature dropping and your hopes failing, nothing could be more welcome than someone coming towards you with a warmly burning lantern, bringing you hope and rescue.

If you are lost today, your future obscure and your hopes failing, there is a light shining warmly and brightly. There is someone willing and able to rescue you from the darkness. Jesus Christ is that Light. Let Him shine in your heart right now.

Prayer: Jesus I come to you for help, health, healing and salvation. Rescue me today and shine in my heart always. AMEN

Thought for the day: Jesus is the only light that rescues the lost.

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31 - Halloween: Curse or Celebration?

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 18:9-14; Galatians 5:19-21, Ephesians 4:27; Revelation 21:8; 22:4-15

In the 9th Century AD, the Catholic Church attempted to "convert" a pagan holiday of the dead into a Christian one. October 31 is the traditional "New Years Eve" of many pagan religions, but dedicated to the god of death, who we know as satan. November 1 was declared "All Saint's (Hallow's) Day", a day to celebrate and remember those Christians who have died and gone on before us. The eve of that day, known as "All Hallow's Eve", contracted to Halloween, was supposed to be a time of solemn preparation.

However, it maintained its aura of evil and superstition, and as we "celebrate" it today, we honor the lord of death, satan, and not the Lord of Life, Jesus Christ. Examine the facts for yourself and decide: is the celebration of Halloween a curse or celebration?

Prayer: Father, open my eyes to the truth and direct my path accordingly. AMEN

Thought for the day: Read more about Halloween.

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1ten Boom, Corrie, Tramp for the Lord, Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, c1974, p. 28.
2Ibid, p. 12.
3Ibid, p. 31.
4King, Janet Spencer, "What, Me Worry?", in Woman's World: The Woman's Weekly, October 26, 1993, c1992 Heinrich Bauer North America.
5ten Boom, op. cit., p. 35.

Congratulations! If you have made it this far, you have experienced a month of growth in the Lord Jesus Christ. It may have been painful at times, but your faithfulness to God's Word and discipline in daily spending time with Him has reaped rewards here and for all eternity. Keep up the good work and join us NEXT month for more devotions from God's Word. If you haven't kept up with the devotions, don't waste time feeling guilty, just resolve with God's help to make more room for Him in your life.
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